Audiences of all walks of life are falling in love with the gay teenagers on their screens�� not because they��re gay, but because they��re compelling, relatable, and lovable people. Even better: it��s not nearly as difficult for a confused, gay teenager to locate an arc similar to his or her own life on one of the thousand channels available with any standard cable package. Gay and lesbian characters, especially, have seen a comforting resurgence in the past fifteen or so years �� they��re not everywhere you look, but their numbers are steadily increasing. Anything else, however, is a bit harder to locate �� but that doesn��t mean there��s a complete lack of diversity. American television is a medium notorious for its terrible representation of essentially every minority ever known �� want a sitcom about how hard and wacky it is to be a man��s man in 2013? Hit up Tim Allen��s IMDB page.